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Foto: Matthias Friel

Models of the Policy Process - Einzelansicht

Veranstaltungsart Seminar Veranstaltungsnummer 428011
SWS 2 Semester SoSe 2016
Einrichtung Sozialwissenschaften   Sprache englisch
Belegungsfrist 01.04.2016 - 20.05.2016

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Gruppe 1:
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Seminar Mo 10:00 bis 12:00 wöchentlich 11.04.2016 bis 18.07.2016  3.06.S28     25

This course introduces students to the main analytical frameworks in the study of public policy making from the early days of policy sciences to the most recent theoretical advances. Drawing on a wide variety of theoretical perspectives in political analysis, the readings focus on competing approaches to the study of the policy change and discuss their respective conceptual frameworks, explanatory scope and practical implications. Course discussions will evaluate how alternative approaches can be applied to empirical cases of policy making and analysis.

The language of instruction is English. Written work may be submitted in either English or German.


Jones, B. D. (1994). Reconceiving Decision-Making in Democratic Politics. Attention, Choice, and Public Policy. Chicago, University of Chicago Press.

Kingdon, J. W. (1995). Agenda, Alternatives and Public Policies. New York, HarperCollins Publishers.

Lindblom, C. E. (1980). The Policy-Making Process. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall.

Sabatier, P. A. (ed.) (2007). Theories of the Policy Process. Boulder, Westview Press.

Stone, D. A. (1988). Policy Paradox: The Art of Political Decision Making. New York, W. W. Norton.

Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester SoSe 2016 , Aktuelles Semester: WiSe 2024/25