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Some Thoughts on Language Diversity, UG and the Importance of Language Typology - Einzelansicht

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SWS 2 Semester WiSe 2017/18
Einrichtung Institut für Slavistik   Sprache deutsch
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Belegungsfristen 04.10.2017 - 20.11.2017

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04.10.2017 - 10.11.2017

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Vorlesung Mi 10:00 bis 12:00 wöchentlich 18.10.2017 bis 07.02.2018 Prof. Dr. Kosta 27.12.2017: Akademische Weihnachtsferien
03.01.2018: Akademische Weihnachtsferien
  • 18.10.2017
  • 25.10.2017
  • 01.11.2017
  • 08.11.2017
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Introductory remarks on UG, Variation and Typology
Some recent findings on language variation have come to different conclusions although their major concern has been always the same: How can we explain the fact, that, since the very beginning, natural languages have become what they are: namely: a wide array of different means of expressions of mind for the same referential entities of the world? There are more than 6500 languages if we count all varieties, it will be much more, maybe more than 7000. Alone Australia has more than 330 languages. There are some languages, which are already nearly extinct or non existent since their native speakers either do not show transmission from fathers/mothers generation to the children, or because they exist only in a very restricted number of native speakers and communities of restricted reach (so-called family languages).

How can still despite this fact the diversity and variation of languages be explained? In the past three centuries the problem of language variation has become a central issue in relation to the formal and evolutionary study of language from the viewpoint of language evolution, language typology and onto- genesis of language. One of the most prominent fields of concern since Plato has been the question how innate ideas can be internalized and why they must be externalized. For No- am Chomsky, the most prominent peer of generative linguistics in modern times, the lan- guage faculty in the narrow sense (FLN) is nothing but an “‘organ of the body,’ along with other cognitive systems. Our analysis of human language builds on Chomsky’s (1995, 2005, 2010) minimalist assumption that the design of language is grounded in conceptual necessity. Adopting this idea, we expect to find three factors that interact to determine (I-) languages attained: genetic endowment (the topic of Universal Grammar), experience, and principles that are language- or even organism-independent.” (Chomsky 2005:1). In the present class we provide some ideas about how generative research based on Biolinguistics can contribute on a par with the typology of languages to a more profound and sound exploration of language variation. We show this based on some examples from syntax, semantics, phonology, prosody and morphology. The examples we will present are Slavic, Romance and Germanic Languages as prototypes of so-called synthetic or analytic forms of Indo-European family, but also from indigenous languages of North- and South Americas, Africa, Australia and Asia. This course is also an introduction in the study of language typology and study of exotic indigenous languages. Our analysis will concentrate on the verbal systems and the system of adverbs and negation. The Model we work with is Radical Minimalism (Krivochen & Kosta 2013, Kosta & Krivochen 2014abc). The major language we work with is Russian and Czech and English, German, Italian and French.
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