Foto: Matthias Friel
PLEASE NOTE: If you are allocated a spot in the course, you must be present on the first day to secure your place. If, for any reason, you are unable to attend, please contact the course instructor as soon as possible.
Course title / Kursbezeichnung
UNIcert III/1 English for Law
Requirements / Voraussetzungen
The course is open to students with a placement test score of 70-100 points.
Course description / Kursbeschreibung Group 3 (Teacher: Tom Heaven)
The focus of the course is the development of professional language and communication skills for use in a legal context. Topics such as contract drafting, negotiation and client interviews among others will be dealt with during the course. The four key skills of reading, writing, listening and speaking are developed.
This semester we are also collaborating with Masaryk University in Czechia on an online project. You will develop a podcast episode with a small group of fellow students on an area of law of your choice. You will be instructed on how to develop a podcast from planning stages through to production.
Materials / Material Group 3
Practical English Language Skills for Lawyers By Natasha Costello, Louise Kulbicki; ISBN: 9780367690465Additional course materials will be provided via Moodle.
Testing / Leistungserfassung Group 3
A 90-minute written exam.
Assessment of podcast produced in small groups with students from University of Potsdam and Masaryk University, Czechia
Course description / Kursbeschreibung Groups 4 and 5 (Teacher: Peter Harvey)
This course looks at the development of the common law across the English-speaking world and how it has grown up differently from German or French law. We will consider the six ‘core subjects’: crime, tort, contract, equity, constitutional law and land law. We will however also spend time explaining German law in English, concentrating on those areas of law with which students are familiar in their German law courses.
Materials / Material Groups 4 and 5
All material for this group is sent out as email attachments. Students are asked to give the lecturer their preferred email address.
Testing / Leistungserfassung Groups 4 and 5
120 minute written test
Credits / LP
6 credits (Leistungspunkte) or 6 ECTS points if these requirements are met: 80 % attendance and active course participation; a score of at least 55% on the written exam.
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