Foto: Matthias Friel
From a social perspective, (language) learning recurrently is understood as a profoundly interactional matter: Learners develop skills in, and through, participation in social exchanges with teachers, experts and peers. Accordingly, over the past two decades, it has been established that learning (and teaching) success are significantly impacted by teachers' and learners' ability to create, and utilise, opportunities for learning - that is, their classroom interactional competence.This seminar will introduce you to the concept of CIC. We will explore language choices made by teachers and students in the classroom, and discuss their pedagogical implications. To that end, we will both review existing literature and conduct our own hands-on analyses of classroom data.
LA Primarstufe: 1 Referat (15 Minuten) oder 1 Kurzessay/Projektarbeit (ca. 1.000 Wörter)
LA Sekundarstufe: 1 mündliche Prüfung (30 Minuten) oder 1 Hausarbeit (max. 3500 Wörter)
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