Foto: Matthias Friel
1) This will be a hybrid course. Online participation will be via Zoom (Meeting ID: 655 4521 3465; Passcode: 06185980), with exercise sessions included.
2) There will be one week of practical work after the lecture period. We will meet regularly (online or in person) during that time, and you are encouraged to work in groups. Details will be discussed in the first session and later on, if necessary.
3) There is a Moodle.UP course where you will find all materials and discussion forums: https://moodle2.uni-potsdam.de/course/view.php?id=42751.
For the 8LP Modules (WM4,5,6), 2-week practicals are offered. This may be an extension of the practical work or something entirely different. We will discuss this together to find the best fit for you.
Please contact christian.kappel@uni-potsdam.de if you have any questions.
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