Foto: Matthias Friel
Leistungsnachweis: Participation and Coursework; Modulprüfung oral (presentation, 50% of final grade) and written (listening, grammar, and writing, 50% of final grade).Hinweis: Die Anzahl an LP (Leistumngspunkten = 6) entspricht der Anzahl an ECTS-Punkten.Note: The number of LP (Leistumngspunkte = 6) equals the number of ECTS points.Laut aktueller Modulbeschreibung ist die regelmäßige Anwesenheit obligatorisch. Die Anwesenheit in den sprachpraktischen Lehrveranstaltungen ist dringend erforderlich, weil andernfalls die Lernziele nicht erreicht werden können und eine Leistungserfassung im Sinne der Prüfungsordnung nicht möglich ist. **Certain sessions of the course must be attended; the dates of these sessions will be posted on Moodle on the first day of class. If students miss these sessions, these must be made up in order to be admitted to the final module exam.**
In accordance with University of Potsdam policy (ß 17 BAMA(LA)-O), the Department of English / Philology has defined the unauthorized the use of AI tools, including ChatGPT, to complete graded assessments or exams in the Department's courses. It is unauthorized to use AI to formulate arguments or to summarize or contextualize source materials or to incorporate any part of an AI-generated response in a graded assignment or exam. Such unauthorized use is, by definition, a "Täuschung," and will be dealt with accordingly.
Lerninhalte:Within the guidelines set out in the Verbindliche curriculare Vorgaben für den Englischunterricht in den Jahrgangsstufen 1 bis 6, this course prepares students studying subjects other than English to teach English to young learners in primary schools in Brandenburg. Upon successful completion of the course, students will reach the English B2 level of competence (according to the Common European Framework of Reference) and be able- to feel confident using English in a primary school classroom setting- to identify and correct major pronunciation problems in English- to identify and explain basic grammar points in English- to evaluate and present an English childrenís book of their choosing from the Brandenburg Guidelines' Recommended Childrenís BooksIndependent study is an integral component of the course.
Only Primary Teacher Education students (Grundschulbildung) of subjects other than English will be admitted to this course.
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