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Foto: Matthias Friel
Universität Potsdam
WiSe 2024/25
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Zugehörige Veranstaltungen für Fachbereich: Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Details ansehen zu:
Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik
Academic Essay Writing
Academic Papers and Presentations in English Linguistics
Academic Skills for Students of English (teaching-oriented)
Academic Writing with a Focus on Argument
Advanced studies on social interaction
Afrofuturistic Narratives
American Literary and Cultural History
An Introduction to the History of English
Approaches to Second Language Acquisition
Assessment and Evaluation in the English Language Classroom
Autonomous language learning in the primary English classroom
Begegnungsunterricht in Theory and Practice
Black Radicals. USA, 1900 - 1930s
Captivity Narratives
Classroom Interactional Competence
Colloquium Anglophone Modernities
Colonial Crimes and Punishments: Re-reading Shakespeare's "The Tempest"
Cultural-conceptual approaches to English language teaching
Cultural models: Theory and methodology
Debating in English
Dystopian Fiction
English in the U.S.
Enslaved Women's Resistance
Essentials of usage-based approaches to language teachers
Films and Cultural Learning in ELT
Funny Concepts: Theories on Humour, Laughter, Comedy
Global Resonances in Brandenburg: Studying Sounds and Silences in Landscapes, Collections, and Other Living Archives
Hands-on Language Analysis: L2 English Usage in the Classroom and Beyond
Inclusive English Language Teaching
Interaction in the EFL classroom
Interwar British Literature
Introduction to Anglophone Modernities
Introduction to Critical Thinking
Introduction to Cultural Linguistics
Introduction to Cultural Studies
Introduction to English Language Teaching
Introduction to Literary Studies
Introduction to Modern Indian Poetry in English
Introduction to Synchronic Linguistics Pt. 1
Introduction to Synchronic Linguistics Pt. 2
Introduction to Teaching and Learning English at Primary School Level
Jazz Fiction
Jim Crow USA: history and literature of and against racist segregation
Language learning beyond the classroom
Language, Society, and Digital Networks
Literary Texts and Cultural Learning in ELT
Literary Worldmaking
Little words that matter: particles in interaction
MA Colloquium
Materials and Productive Competences in the EFL Classroom
Materials Development
Music as resistance in Africa
Myths That Made the West
Planung und Gestaltung von Englischunterricht
Planung und Gestaltung von Englischunterricht
Post-2000 African Diaspora Literature
Postcolonial Piracy
Postcolonial Poetry
Reading North America through and against the Humboldt Forum
Reading the Little Magazine in the Cold War
Reproductive Justice: Narratives of Abortion
Researching the OED
Romanticism and Orientalism
RTG Colloquium
Schulpraktische Studien Englisch
Statistische Grundlagen für die Linguistik mit R
Stories and picturebooks in the EFL primary classroom
Supporting learners' potentials and talents: complex competence tasks in the EFL classroom
Teaching Global Citizenship Education in the EFL Classroom
The culture of world Englishes
The English Language through the Ages
The Fantasy in Fantasy: Interrogating Romance in Fantasy Literature
The Figure of the Vampire as Queer Metaphor
The Figure of the Witch in Feminist Discourse and Media
The grammar of text messaging
The Northern Irish Conflict in Literature
Übersetzungspraktikum/Independent Translation Project
Writing linguistic papers (LinK)
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