Foto: Matthias Friel
The course starts on Tuesday, 17.10.2023 in S18.Please self-enroll in Moodle: Wissenschaftliche Methodik der Wirtschaftsinformatik (WiMeWS2023) https://moodle2.uni-potsdam.de/course/view.php?id=39282Password: welcome.wimiThe course requires attendance. Otherwise, you can visit the course by Dr. Edzard Weber (edzard.weber@wi.uni-potsdam.de), who offers the seminar "Forschungsmethoden: Gestaltungsorientierte Forschungsdesigns" Do 16:00-18:00, Room 0.04/0.05, Karl-Marx-Strasse 67. This course can be taken alternatively to the seminar " Wissenschaftliche Methodik der Wirtschaftsinformatik" to close the module.
All materials will be provided via Moodle.
Collis, J., Hussey, R. (2013). Business research: A practical guide for undergraduate and postgraduate students. Palgrave Macmillan.
We recommend taking this course from the 4th semester.
Language of the lecture: English (B2 level is recommended to understand the content of the lecture)
Language of the student presentations and submissions: English or German
Test, homeworks, mid-term presentation, final presentation (in German or in English); research paper/written report.
The number of ECTS depends on the program, please check individually.
To estimate your effort, please consider that 1 ECTS corresponds to ca. 30 hours per semester.
Course content: The course covers the key elements of the research process: writing an introduction, specifying the aim of the study, defining research questions and hypotheses, and further development of methods and procedures for data collection and analysis.Audience: Bachelor students who are interested in carrying out a research project. On a broader level, the course serves as a good preparation for writing a bachelor thesis. For this reason, this course is recommended from the 4th FS.Format: The basics of research and academic writing are presented at the beginning. The lecture is accompanied by practical exercises that allow participants to practice in formulating research questions and understand the principles of scientific writing. Then the participants in a group of two people have the opportunity to complete their own research project and to present the preliminary and final results in the mid-term and final presentation. At the end, a short written report should be submitted summarizing the investigation carried out.
Topics related to current fields of research in business informatics will be offered, especially in the following areas:
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