Foto: Matthias Friel
Eastern Europe has often been seen as "other" or somehow "worst" part of the European continent, and its history - as just a marginal playground of powerful neighbors. In our seminar we will analyze how the very concept of "Eastern Europe" and its key images have been created, transformed and debated in the 18 -21st centuries. We will get acquainted with contemporary approaches to eastern-European history, which return "its own voice" to the region and show the complexity of local past. We will study and discuss the historical development of the region, with special attention to the history of the 20th century and with the focus on Ukraine. Literary texts and films will be important sources for our work.
Basic bibliography
Zarycki Tomasz Ideologies of Eastness in Central and Eastern Europe (London-New York, 2014)
Kasianov Georgy, Ther Philipp A Laboratory of Transnational History. Ukraine and Recent Ukrainian Historiography (Budapest, 2016)
Plokhy Serhii The Gates of Europe: A History of Ukraine (London, 2016)
Snyder Timothy Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin (New York, 2010)
Applebaum Anne Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956 (Toronto, 2012)
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