Foto: Matthias Friel
In this course we will explore autonomous language learning (ALL) and educational MakerSpace-learning in the English primary classroom from a theoretical, research and a very practical classroom perspective. Both approaches emphasize learners taking responsibility and finding intrinsic motivation when they can take ownership of their language learning. We will visit an autonomous classroom at a Montessori school in Berlin, which will provide you with the opportunity to investigate the transition from traditional teaching to a focus on individualized learning. A reflective journal will accompany your own learning process throughout the course, documenting your learning strategies, progress, and challenges. Assessment will be based on a presentation of project activities that you created, drawing upon the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired during the course.
Bitte beachten Sie: Aufgrund des Schulbesuchs (Montessori Campus Berlin-Köpenick, 12557 Berlin) und der praktischen Aktivitäten beinhaltet das Seminar neben den regulären Terminen am Donnerstag (10-12 Uhr) zwei Blocktermine:
Das Seminar endet am 27.06. Bitte bringen Sie zur ersten Sitzung ein leeres Heft (oder ein Tablet) mit, welches Sie als Ihr Reflective Journal nutzen können.
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