Foto: Matthias Friel
How can we understand the way the Talmud and its commentators relate to the element of Beauty – especially in regard to Gender issues. How did the Rabbis respond when issues that are connected to beauty were entering to the Study Hall?
We will read together in this class sources from the Halakha and stories which are related to the aesthetic side of the Jewish life of the Tannaitic and Talmudic period – and the way they were understood later in the post-Talmudic time.
The course will be conducted in English, accompanied by Hebrew texts.
The reading materials will be given to the students through Moodle in accordance with the level of the students in Hebrew and Aramaic and his ability to advance with them in the materials of the course.
Active participation in discussions, each student is occasionally required to prepare reading material in Hebrew and Aramaic from the sources and explain it in order to open the class discussion. At the end of the course, students are required to write a concluding paper.
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