Foto: Matthias Friel
Zwei-Fach-Bachelor Students (Anglistik/Amerikanistik) WHO STARTED STUDYING BEFORE WiSe 2015/16 must also register for the "Hörverstehen und mündlicher Ausdruck I" course taught at the same time by the same instructor to get credit for "Hörverstehen und mündlicher Ausdruck I." Siehe bitte hierzu "Informationen für Studierende der Anglistik/Amerikanistik, die vor dem WiSe 2015/16 immatrikuliert wurden" (https://www.uni-potsdam.de/de/zessko/sprachen/engl-phil/kursangebot.html).
Instructors of North American English: Prickett, Terpolilli- If you are interested in North American English or have had an extensive stay in the United States or Canada, you should attend a section of "Hörverstehen und mündlicher Ausdruck I" (Basismodul; BM-SA; Sprachpraxis 1) with Dr. Prickett (**) or Mr. Terpolilli
(**) Dr. Prickett's section follows a collaborative online international learning (COIL) format; you will be working with students from Beit Berl College (Israel).
Instructors of British English: Göldner, Hirsch, Mannion- If you are interested in British English or have had an extensive stay in the UK, Ireland, Australia, or South Africa, you should attend a section of "Hörverstehen und mündlicher Ausdruck I" (Basismodul; BM-SA; Sprachpraxis 1) with Dr Göldner, Dr Hirsch, or Ms Mannion
This course is only for students of Anglistik/Amerikanistik and LA Englisch WHO STARTED STUDYING BEFORE WiSe 2015/16
Coursework; ModulteilprüfungHinweis: Die Anzahl an LP (Leistungspunkten = 2) entspricht der Anzahl an ECTS-Punkten.Note: The number of LP (Leistungspunkte = 2) equals the number of ECTS points.Laut aktueller Modulbeschreibung ist die regelmäßige Anwesenheit obligatorisch. Die Anwesenheit in den sprachpraktischen Lehrveranstaltungen ist dringend erforderlich, weil andernfalls die Lernziele nicht erreicht werden können und eine Leistungserfassung im Sinne der Prüfungsordnung nicht möglich ist.
This course centers on level-appropriate English pronunication. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able- to identify and correct major pronunciation problems in English - to improve their pronunciation of individual sounds or groups of sounds- to pronunce individual words correctly in connected speech- to speak English with proper intonationStudents are required to submit assignments on a regular basis. Independent study is an integral component of the course. Students are strongly encouraged to attend the Independent Pronunciation Coaching. (Your instructor will provide you with information; see also the departmental website.)
Only students of Anglistik/Amerikanistik and LA Englisch WHO STARTED STUDYING BEFORE WiSe 2015/16 will be admitted to this course.
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