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Foto: Matthias Friel

Climate and energy transition policy - Einzelansicht

Veranstaltungsart Seminar Veranstaltungsnummer 429911
SWS 2 Semester WiSe 2022/23
Einrichtung Sozialwissenschaften   Sprache englisch
Belegungsfrist 04.10.2022 - 10.11.2022

Belegung über PULS
Gruppe 1:
     jetzt belegen / abmelden
    Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Lehrperson Ausfall-/Ausweichtermine Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
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Seminar Mo 08:00 bis 10:00 wöchentlich 17.10.2022 bis 06.02.2023  3.06.S23 Prof. Dr. Lilliestam 19.12.2022: Akademische Weihnachtsferien
26.12.2022: 2. Weihnachtstag
  • 17.10.2022
  • 24.10.2022
  • 07.11.2022
  • 14.11.2022
  • 21.11.2022
  • 28.11.2022
  • 05.12.2022
  • 12.12.2022
  • 02.01.2023
  • 09.01.2023
  • 16.01.2023
  • 23.01.2023
  • 30.01.2023
  • 06.02.2023

Moodle key: CETP2022 (for the first three classes: after the admission process is finished, I will change it). Make sure that you sign up for the class for 2022, not one of the previous years!


Overview and setting of the course

Climate change is one of the big challenges of our time, touching all aspects of the environment and of society. There is broad recognition that governments must do something about it: the implication of the Paris Agreement and its 1.5 and 2 degrees targets is the complete elimination of greenhouse gas emissions from the energy system within the next 30 to 40 years.

This is a very complicated problem. Fundamentally this is because it means doing something that humanity has never really tried before at a planetary scale: deliberately altering the ways we produce, convert, and consume energy. Modern society grew up on fossil fuels, and the huge benefits they offered in terms of energy that was inexpensive, easy and safe to transport, store and consume. How to manage a non-fossil world with 8 or 10 billion people, all aspiring to the Western living standards, is a question for which there is no easy answer.

From a technical perspective, there are many answers, typically relying on a bouquet of solutions, from wind power to nuclear power, from solar heat to passive housing without any heat demand at all. The technical side of decarbonisation is difficult, but possible.

The real nut to crack, however, is about the strategies and governance for how to achieve such a complete transformation: the policy side of climate and energy. Arguably a government could pass a law that forbids people from using fossil fuels. But politically this is unrealistic, at least while so many people depend on fossil fuels in their daily lives. And even worse, it is not certain that it would work, because the technological alternatives may not be available and implementable overnight. What is to be done? For this, one needs to turn to various ideas about what a government can and should do, whether and how it should influence and steer society. On the one hand are ideas suggesting that government should play a very limited role relative to private actors and should step in only to correct ”market failures”, with ”market-based” interventions designed specifically around that failure. On the other hand are ideas suggesting that government needs to guide the transition more directly, including through public investments or radical reforms, designed to support the solutions determined to be the ones we want. And on the third hand, if such a hand exists, are ideas posing that the problem is our own consumption patterns and that these, and economic growth in general, are entirely incompatible with climate protection: only consuming radically less will help. Such fundamental issues come to the fore in climate and energy policy discussions and debates. This course is about all that.


Learning goals

The goal is to give students the ability to evaluate energy and climate policy arguments made by politicians, experts, and academics with a critical eye, informed by knowledge of history, an understanding of the theoretical underpinnings and the empirically observed effects of different strategies. Students successfully finishing the course are able to understand and deconstruct the energy and climate policy debate that is currently raging in Germany, Europe and internationally, and create their own solutions. Thereby, she or he will be able to step into a research institute, an NGO or government agency involved in energy policy, policy analysis or political advocacy, and immediately be able to make an informed and creative contribution.


Course outline

The course will meet once per week, with a reading before each class. Typically this will be 1-3 articles, book chapters or reports on a topic related to the topic of the class, making the reading essential for the class. We will read two entire books, which will form the foundation for the seminar series, and each of the books will be the basis for essays to be written and handed in during the semester.

All material and information will be placed on the course’s Moodle page. Only students registered for the course will have access to the Moodle page and material after the admission process is complete, hopefully within the first two weeks of the semester. Not registered students will not have access to the contents.

Each class will take place in a discussion format, often structured around an input from the lecturer (about 60 minutes), including discussion about the important or critical aspects, followed by other interactive formats to be carried out in varying groups in class (about 30 minutes).

Due to the persisting Corona situation, plans are uncertain. Current plans are that teaching will take place on site in Griebnitzsee, but this may change in the coming months or it may change during the semester.

I will uphold the hygiene rules of the university and will adhere to the strictest permissible interpretation of the university’s rules in class. There will be no compromises or negotiation space. If you are ill in whatever way, sneezy or have a fever, you stay home. This also means that if I am moderately ill, a single class may move online on short notice: check Moodle before you leave home in the morning.

This is of course also simply common sense and good behaviour, but during pandemic times it is also necessary. You then miss a class, which is too bad, but maybe by avoiding infecting 5 classmates, you allow these 5 friends to attend all other classes this week. The university will update us on the rules as the semester draws nearer.


Course requirements and grading

Students are expected to attend all classes, actively participate and prepare by reading all readings, to allow for informed discussions and creative work in class.

All students, regardless of whether they opt for a graded or a pass/fail Schein (Teilnahme), will in addition write and submit two short essays (max. 1000 words), discussing the policy implications of two books (Nordhaus: Climate Casino; Patt: Transforming Energy). These essays will be graded, and a pass grade on both is required for a pass grade for the course. You will receive written feedback on your essays, as a critical step for learning and improving your writing. The essays will be the preparation for two discussion classes (7 and 11) in which we will be critically examining and discussing the hypotheses put forth in these books and the articles we have read for the single classes. The deadlines are 8.00 a.m. before each of the two discussion classes.

Students who opt for the graded Schein will additionally write a semester thesis (6000 to 8000 words, incl. literature and everything), to be handed in before the end of the semester (31 March 2023). This date will not change and there is no reason to miss it, as you know when the deadline is already now. There will be a list of recommended topics to choose from, published on Moodle after the transition block is finished in January. The semester thesis must be written in English. I will offer a final out-of-schedule seminar about how to write a semester thesis after the last class, likely during the last week of the semester or possibly in the week after (we’ll discuss this in class).

The seminar is designed for max. 25 participants. If the course is oversubscribed, I will prioritise Uni Potsdam students, higher semester students, and students who cannot attend courses in German (in this order). I seek to have a diverse class (regarding everything from nationality to study programme) because this will enrich our discussions. Because we cannot have a too large number of students in the classroom, I will make this decision in the first two week of the semester. My selection is final.


Course outline and schedule

All seminars will take place in Griebnitzsee, each Monday 8.15-10.00 (see Corona notes above). If there are limits on how many people can be in each room and the course is strongly overbooked, we will hold the introductory seminar in Zoom. There will be information about this on the Moodle page in due time.





17 Oct

Introduction to the course. Why the energy system must change, how far, how fast


24 Oct

Discourses: problem framing and how it affects the solution space


7 Nov

It’s a political problem! The technocratic solution


14 Nov

It’s a political problem! Events, coalitions and compromises


21 Nov

It’s a market problem! The economics of climate change and how to fix the problem


28 Nov

It’s a market problem! The limits of the mainstream economic discourse


5 Dec

Essay deadline and discussion: Climate Casino (William Nordhaus)


12 Dec

It’s a transition problem! Evolutionary economics & lock-in


2 Jan

It’s a transition problem! Changing institutions, path dependency, and causing the next generation of problems to solve


9 Jan

It’s a transition problem! The Multilevel perspective on socio-technical transitions


16 Jan

Essay deadline and discussion of Transforming Energy (Anthony Patt)


23 Jan

It's an overconsumption problem! Quality of life, happiness and the Great Acceleration


30 Jan

It's an overconsumption problem! De-growth: what it can and cannot bring


6 Feb

Wrap-up: pulling everything together


On demand and if so TBC

Introduction to and requirements for semester theses (for those who will write a semester thesis, and whoever is interested)



All required readings will be supplied on Moodle as pdfs so as to be available for all students. Nordhaus and Patt are available as ebooks at the university library, and Dryzek as a real book. If you don’t have access to the Uni Potsdam library, please ask your classmates for help.


Books (in parallel to the Market failure (Nordhaus) and Transition (Patt) seminars, in time for the essays).

Mandatory (as input for the essays):

-          William Nordhaus (2013): The Climate Casino. Risk, uncertainty, and economics of a warming world, Yale University Press, New Haven.

-          Anthony Patt (2015): Transforming Energy. Solving climate change with technology policy, Cambridge University Press, New York.

Recommended (selected chapters are mandatory for classes):

-          John Dryzek (2021): The politics of the Earth, OUP Oxford, Oxford.

Mandatory reading for each class

Will be provided in a separate document on the Moodle page well in advance of each class.

Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2022/23 , Aktuelles Semester: SoSe 2024