Foto: Matthias Friel
Normal registration through PULS - Module-wide seat assignment for Psychology
Sessions: block sessions - face-to-face sessions
New views in psychology and cognitive science are shifting their assumptions about the functioning of the brain. Instead of defining the brain as a passive entity awaiting to receive stimulation, these perspectives -grouped under the predictive coding framework- hypothesize that, to favor the survival of the individual, the brain needs to be an active agent that continuously generates predictions about the future. Such predictions are subsequently refined based on incoming sensory information via prediction errors. Recent evidence suggests that perceptual processing and motoric actions may be better understood by means of predictive processing. New proposals further propose that the principles of predictive coding may underlie other cognitive and affective processes. Using empirical studies and theoretical papers, in this seminar we will introduce the principles of predictive coding and will learn to interpret different cognitive and affective processes through the lens of predictive coding.
M.Sc. Psychology, M.Sc. Cognitive Sciences, M.Sc. Mathematics
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