Foto: Matthias Friel
Participants must purchase the course book. / Studierende muss das Kursbuch kaufen.
Course book / Kursbuch:
New Language Leader Advanced Course Book & MyEnglishLab
ISBN: 9781447961420
Pearson Webshop: https://www.pearsonelt.de/produkte
Bitte ISBN in das Suchfeld eingeben.
Rabattcode: NLL_ADV_MEL_2023
Ermäßigter Preis: 28,80 pro Buch (statt 38,40 EUR) inkl. Versand
Score of 70-79 points in the placement test or completion of a UNIcert® II/2 English for Academic Purposes course
6 credits (Leistungspunkte) in the key competence module "Fremdsprache 1 or 2"; 6 ECTS points & grade for international students
This is the first part of this discipline-specific course, which prepares students for the UNIcert® III/1 English for Business Studies and Social Sciences course test at the end of the semester. Participants will also deliver a presetation during the semester.
The aim of this course is to strengthen learners' English skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing at level B2-C1, as well as to prepare them for further related studies.
We will work with the first half of Language Leader Advanced, ISBN 978-1-4479-6142-0. Additionally, we will look at texts and listen to lectures, speeches, etc. covering topics relevant to the aforementioned disciplines in order to prompt discussion and elicit thought for indvidual and group writing.
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