Foto: Matthias Friel
Contens: This lecture aims at reinforcing your knowledge, and giving an overview of current research trends in the discipline of ecology.
Lectures in times of COVID-19: The lecture will be held both in presence and in a synchronous online form. Depending on the lecturer, it may also be recorded. You can access the lecture via Zoom. Each lecturer will provide their own ZOOM links which you will find in the corresponding Moodle course. You can also access teaching material for the different lecture sessions (slides and additional information) on Moodle.
Access to the Moodle course: The access information for self-registration to the Moodle course ”2023 - State of the Art Ecology (SOTA Ecology)” will be provided to registered students via email prior to the first lecture. https://moodle2.uni-potsdam.de/course/view.php?id=33219
Tutorial: In addition to the lecture, the facultative "Tutorial for Lecture State of the Art-Ecology, Compulsory Module 1" is offered. It is highly recommended to participate in this tutorial. Please do not forget to also register for the tutorial via PULS, as we need to document the number of participants.
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