Foto: Matthias Friel
This course investigates in detail a classic of colonial literature, William Shakespreare's tragedy Othello, before turning to a range of postcolonial literary (re)visions of Shakespeare's play.
Please note that this is a reading-intense course; I advise that you begin reading Shakespeare and the novels before the beginning of term.
Please also note that this course deals with literature which contains drastic and emotionally challenging depictions of violence and suffereing, including racialised violence, sexualised violence, and represenations of the Jewish holocaust.
For this course, please buy and read:
William Shakespeare, Othello (the Arden edition is highly recommended, other well-edited and annotated editions like Oxford will do)
Toni Morrison and Rokia Traoré, Desdemona
Caryl Phillips, The Nature of Blood
Tayeb Salih, Season of Migration to the North
Additional materials will be provided online via moodle.
Participants are expected to have read Shakespeare's Othello (in the original) before the beginning of class.
essay(s) (1500 words); long term paper depending on registration and study porgramme (6-7000 words)
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