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Foto: Matthias Friel

Crime and Detection in Nineteenth-Century Literature - Single View

Type of Course Seminar Number
Hours per week in term 2 Term WiSe 2019/20
Department Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik   Language englisch
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application period 01.10.2019 - 10.11.2019

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    Day Time Frequency Duration Room Lecturer Canceled/rescheduled on Max. participants
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Seminar Di 10:00 to 12:00 wöchentlich 15.10.2019 to 04.02.2020 Sumner 24.12.2019: Akademische Weihnachtsferien
31.12.2019: Akademische Weihnachtsferien

As participants will learn in this seminar, crime and detection in nineteenth-century (British) literature are about much more than just Sherlock Holmes. Rather, they will explore the development of and changing attitudes towards crime, policing, and the detective. They will meet familiar faces - Poe's Dupin, Collins's Sergeant Cuff and of course Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes - and they will investigate the British nation's fascination with both real and fictional murder, theft, and the criminal him-/herself in a century of social change and social challenges. The aim of this seminar is, to provide participants with an understanding of the many facets of crime and detection narratives, of their roots in and connection to the society that produced and devoured them, as well as of the legacy these narratives have left over the decades that followed.

This course will be reading-intensive and regular attendance, as well as active participation in class, are expected. 


2/3 ECTS

Together with 2 other members of class (or 3 members in selected sessions) you will become an expert for one session. You will be expected to prepare the text properly (like everyone else) but in addition to this, you will also prepare a number of questions, which can be used during the in-class discussion. Together with me, you will guide your classmates through the text and subject-matter, pointing out interesting/critical/surprising/etc. passages and discussing them with your peers. You may also provide the class with additional material (audio, video, text, etc.) or further tasks, which they can do during the session. The goal is for you not to be the only ones who have read the assigned reading but for you to be the guide for your fellow students. Active participation and attendance of your peers is therefore essential.

In addition to this, you are expected to write 3 short responses (200-400 words) to any 3 texts of the seminar, briefly outlining your learnings, your personal understanding/opinion, and how you would position the text within the wider topic/context of this seminar. You may hand in these responses either throughout the semester or by February 29th, 2020.

Furthermore, regular attendance and active participation in class discussions and tasks are expected and will influence the final grade or fail/pass, whichever applies, unless a valid reason for absence can be given.


If you are taking this course as a 'b-Seminar' you will be required to write an additional module paper of approx. 6,000 words. This may or may not be connected to the topic of this course. If you plan on writing this module paper, please approach me before or after class or send me an email with an idea of the topic you would like to discuss. The deadline for these module papers is March 31st, 2020.

Structure Tree
Lecture not found in this Term. Lecture is in Term WiSe 2019/20 , Currentterm: SoSe 2024