Foto: Matthias Friel
Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and grading.
Dear students, all courses will be taught as online courses with asynchronous access until further notice. Once you have signed on in PULS and have been admitted in PULS, your instructor will email you via PULS to let you know when and how to access the online material (moodle, etc.). Testatsleistungen (course requirements) may be subject to change. Students who cannot (yet) access PULS: Please email your instructor directly. It is possible that classes can be switched to classroom teaching (Präsenzlehre) at some point during the semester. If this happens, your instructor will let you know and classes will take place at the times originally scheduled.
"This class will be taught online in collaboration with Philipps-Universität Marburg and The Virtual Linguistics Campus (VLC). Please, use your Uni-Potsdam address in order to register your account at the VLC before the course starts. Also, as a supplement, there is a Moodle class called North American Language and Culture (remote class supplement) for all course related communication, additional material, and more. In order to stay up-to-date and follow course-conversations, you will need to join this Moodle class too."
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