Foto: Matthias Friel
Liebe Studierende, diese Lehrveranstaltung wird digital stattfinden. Bitte melden Sie sich am besten gleich am 20. April für das Seminar bei Puls und Moodle an. Die Dozent wird sie dann über den Ablauf und alles weitere über Ihre universitäre E-Mailadresse informieren.
Feminism is by essence a critical approach, aiming to initiate a major shift in traditional societies and cultures and create them anew in a non-Patriarchal manner. Jewish Feminism confronts major elements of Jewish tradition, far beyond demanding an egalitarian role for women (and others) in current Jewish life. As such, the Jewish Feminist thinker must redefine her (in rare cases also his) approach to Jewish past, halakha, God language etc. The course aims to offer a close reading in the writings of several American Jewish Feminist thinkers (Rachel Adler, Susana Heschel, Judith Plaskow) and in writings of some Israeli Reform Feminist rabbis. We will analyze their Feminist approaches as well as their deliberation of traditional authority and their take of Jewish tradition.
Bibliography will be handled in the first meetings.
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