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Foto: Matthias Friel

UNIcert III/2 Englisch der Naturwissenschaften - Einzelansicht

Veranstaltungsart Übung Veranstaltungsnummer
SWS 4 Semester WiSe 2020/21
Einrichtung Zessko - Sprachen   Sprache englisch
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Belegungsfristen 19.10.2020 - 30.11.2020

Belegung über PULS
19.10.2020 - 30.11.2020

Belegung über PULS
Gruppe 1:
     jetzt belegen / abmelden
    Tag Zeit Rhythmus Dauer Raum Lehrperson Ausfall-/Ausweichtermine Max. Teilnehmer/-innen
Einzeltermine anzeigen
Übung Mi 10:00 bis 14:00 wöchentlich 04.11.2020 bis 10.02.2021  Online.Veranstaltung Allan 23.12.2020: Akademische Weihnachtsferien
30.12.2020: Akademische Weihnachtsferien


This course will be held fully online at its scheduled times starting the week of Nov 02. You will receive access information on the evening before the course begins via e-mail from your teacher if you have been admitted.

UNIcert® III/2 English for the Natural Sciences

This is the second part of the discipline-specific and theme-oriented UNIcert® III English for the Natural Sciences Certificate course which requires a placement test result of 80-100% on the placement test. The course prepares students for the UNIcert® III English for the Natural Sciences Certificate exam, which is an admission requirement for Master’s degrees, for completing an internship, studying abroad and pursuing your further career. In addition to further developing the listening and speaking skills practiced in III/1, this course will continue to complete the preparation and practice of reading comprehension and scientific writing skills necessary to take the UNIcert III® Certificate exam at the end of the semester.

Based on in-class input and your own independent research, students will deal with oral and written models of scientific communication and document their analysis and argumentation in academic written style. Topics range from Population Development, Darwin's Theory of Evolution, the Oceans, Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments/Habitats, the Earth's Movements, Getting back to Nature: organic Food, Digestion in Humans, the Circulatory System to Nutrition.

This course is supported by an e-learning Moodle course offering a variety of additional practice materials.
Course password by instructor. For registered participants only.
Zoom will be used for digital online classes.

Voraussetzungen: Placement test result of 80-100% or UNIcert III/1 course completed

Leistungsnachweis: UNIcert® III examinations always take place at the end of the lecture period, or during the examination period after the respective UNIcert III/2 course, which includes intensive preparation for the exam. The language level attained – UNIcert III or C1 of the European Framework – and the scholarly character of the course are formally confirmed solely on the UNIcert® certificates.

Registration for the UNIcert® III exam is done in the language course that prepares students for the exam. Students will receive all of the dates and any other relevant information on course materials and examinations from their instructor.

Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2020/21 , Aktuelles Semester: SoSe 2024