Foto: Matthias Friel
Jewish Festivals: From the Talmudic Discussion to the Middle Ages Rabbinic Literature
This course will examine the development of several Halakhaic issues in Jewish Festivals: Blowing the Horn (Shoffar) on Rosh Hashana; The Seder of Passover; Sabbath and Yom Tov prohibitions; Sukka in Sukkoth; Hanukah and Hanukiya Candles, Purim’s Seuda (Meal). This Course will offer to the students a close reading of the main texts from the Talmud and the continuation of the Halakhic discussion later in the medieval time in different Jewish communities.
The course will be conducted in English, accompanied by Hebrew texts.
Please follow the Moodle for the reading materials
Link to Zoom
Meeting ID: 827 060 7290
Passcode: 31721071
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