Foto: Matthias Friel
Please follow the "comment" link above for more information on comments, course readings, course requirements and grading.
Language teaching materials play a central role in the classroom as tools to promote skills, literacies, and competences. However, they are also cultural and curriculum artefacts (Gray, 2013), meaning they are reflections of the curriculum as well as certain values, carrying with them traces of power relations and worldviews. Through a critical look on classroom materials, and by extension, classroom practices, language teachers can see what identities, power relations, and stereotypes are perpetuated, made invisible, or transformed.
In this seminar, participants will explore how materials can be used to promote diversity, inclusivity and equality in the language classroom. The seminar will touch upon what critical pedagogy is, how it relates to language teaching and the local teaching context, and the intersection between materials, classroom practices, teacher identity, and critical pedagogy. Participants will have the opportunity to analyze, evaluate, adapt, and develop materials within this framework.
Please note that participants will be asked to follow multiple deadlines throughout the semester to submit the reflection paper required to pass this course.
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