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Foto: Matthias Friel

Europäische Sicherheitspolitik im Zeitalter der Multipolarität - Einzelansicht

Veranstaltungsart Übung Veranstaltungsnummer
SWS 2 Semester WiSe 2021/22
Einrichtung Historisches Institut   Sprache englisch
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Belegungsfrist 01.10.2021 - 10.11.2021

Gruppe 1:
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Übung Di 16:00 bis 18:00 wöchentlich 26.10.2021 bis 15.02.2022 Dr. Graf 21.12.2021: Akademische Weihnachtsferien
28.12.2021: Akademische Weihnachtsferien
Kommentar Für weitere Informationen zum Kommentar, zur Literatur und zum Leistungsnachweis klicken Sie bitte oben auf den Link "Kommentar".

The course offers a critical introduction to the European Union’s security policy in the age of multipolarity. The focus is on the European Union as a security provider and actor in international relations, which are increasingly shaped by big power rivalry. First, the students will be introduced to elementary concepts and institutional frameworks such as the European Union, NATO, multilateralism, and multipolarity. Second, the course participants will conduct an exercise in identifying the most pressing security challenges that the EU is facing currently and in the near future. The focus in this exercise will be on other major powers such as China, Russia, and the US. Exemplary topics are hybrid warfare, cyber warfare, and nuclear deterrence. Third, the course participants will review existing strategies (European Union Global Strategy), instruments (PESCO, EDF, European Peace Facility, EU Battle Groups), and alliance options (also looking at the Indo-Pacific) that are available to the EU in its effort to address the security challenges, which have been identified in the preceding exercise. This review will also look at some of the internal issues/politics that might hamper the EU’s effective response to the security challenges it is facing (for instance, divergent threat perceptions and differences in national strategic cultures). Finally, future prospects of the EU’s foreign, security, and defence policy will be explored such as the creation of a common European army and the formation of new multilateral (military) alliances.

Reading for DEC 7: Capabilities - matching the level of ambition?

Defending Europe: Scenario based capability requirements for NATO's European members

CSDP Defence Capabilities Development 


 Reading for DEC 14: The military-industrial base in the EU


The CSDP in 2020: Chapter 4: Integrated Markets? Europe's defence industry after 20 years


All registered participants will be admitted to the course on November 4, 2021.

Those who cannot register through PULS (yet) may attend as well. The administration of Uni Potsdam has informed me that I can admit you to the course as well.


Requirements / grading criteria for the essays:

General expectation: As I said, write a convincing argument ("think tank style"). Perhaps it is best to think of your essay as a contribution to a debate.

Length and formatting: max. 3.000 words (no less than 2.800), Times New Roman,  12 pt., double-spaced, regular margins (Word default).

Topic: You can choose any topic you like, but there has to be a connection to the course theme: CSDP and multipolarity. Perspective/focus: You can choose a "national perspective" if you like (e.g, "Germany and the Indo-Pacific"), but remember to mention/reflect on the relevance of your topic/argument to CSDP (at the level of the EU) either in the introduction or in the conclusion.

Theory: If you like you can employ relevant theories in order to make your argument more "academic". I consider the use of theories a "cherry on top": nice to have, but not always necessary or helpful - especially when you want to think a bit outside the box.

References: Please us APA for referencing/citations.

Footnotes: You may use footnotes (not end notes), but do so sparsely. Submission deadline: Please submit your essays by February 15, 12 o'clock midday.

Grading criteria: Cleanliness (10 points): For every little mistake that I spot I will deduct one point. You can "loose" a maximum of 10 points.

Structure (20 points): Introduction (introduce us to the debate/topic, make a case for the relevance of your research question or argument); theory (if you like and if it helps); analysis (main body of the argument); conclusion (reflect on unresolved issues regarding your topic and perhaps present some suggestions for policy makers and/or point out gaps in existing research).

Content (60 points): I will consider how well you reflect on the debate/existing literature; whether you correctly identify gaps in existing research; how convincing and how plausible your argument is etc. Please make sure your argument is nuanced, i.e., you can be controversial, but there is always more than one side to a topic, so take care to consider competing arguments in the existing literature.

References/Bibliography (10 points): After all, this is an academic course, so you will have to cite other research etc. Knowing how to do this is important. Follow APA guidelines on citations/referencing. I want to see a proper bibliography at the end. List only literature that you actually cite in the text.



OCT 26


Introduction to the course: Getting acquainted and defining expectations



Basic concepts: What is the EU? What is multipolarity?



Strategic cultures and threat perceptions across Europe

NOV 16


Public opinion on EU defence cooperation: Support of the masses?

NOV 23


Strategies and policies: The EU’s level of ambition

NOV 30


Institutional framework of CSDP: From parliament to PESCO



The EU’s defence capabilities: Matching ambitions?  

DEC 14


The military industrial base in the EU





The EU and … NATO: Cooperation or duplication?

JAN 11



Russia: Cancelled and moved to FEB 1

JAN 18



The EU and … China: Systemic rival or benign trading partner?  

JAN 25



The EU and … the USA: Protector of debt-collector?


The EU and … Russia: Just a spoiler or a serious threat?




The EU and … the threat from within: Populism/nationalism

FEB 15

Open debate

The EU in 2050: Different scenarios for the future of the EU’s defence


Keine Einordnung ins Vorlesungsverzeichnis vorhanden. Veranstaltung ist aus dem Semester WiSe 2021/22 , Aktuelles Semester: SoSe 2024