Foto: Matthias Friel
NOTE: This course will be held on campus until further notice at its scheduled times starting the week of April 18.
Dieser Kurs wird bis auf Weiteres auf dem Campus Griebnitzsee durchgeführt.
Course title: UNIcert III/1 Englisch der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
This is the first part of this discipline-specific course, which prepares students for the UNIcert® III/1 English for Economics and Social Sciences course test at the end of the semester.
The aim of this course is to strengthen students' listening and speaking skills and prepare them for further related studies. Based on their own independent research, students will discuss and present practical applications of models and theories from current and past thought leaders in disciplines including Business, Economics, Psychology, Sociology, and Political Science.
Requirements: Score of 70-79 points in the placement test or completion of a UNIcert II/2 English for Academic Purposes course
Assessment: Presentation and final tests
Credits: 6 credits (Leistungspunkte) in the key competence module "Fremdsprache 1 or 2"; 6 ECTS points & grade for international students
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