Foto: Matthias Friel
This course is an introduction to Roman visual culture through the study of some of the most significant images of the Roman Imperial period (approximately between the 1st century B.C. and 5th century A.D.). Through this approach to some of the most important pieces of Roman art (sculptures, mosaics or paintings), this course will serve as well as a general introduction to Roman iconographic studies and their methodology, which are fundamental for the study of the images of the Roman world and their understanding within their historical context.
BARDILL, J.: Constantine, Divine Emperor of the Christian Golden Age. Nueva York. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
BIANCHI BANDINELLI, R.: Rome: The center of the power. Roman art to AD 200. Londres. Thames & Hudson LTD, 1970.
ELSNER, J.: Imperial Rome and Christian Triumph. Oxford. Oxford University Press, 1998.
ZANKER, P.: Augustus und die Macht der Bilder. München. C. H. Beck, 1987.
Regelmäßige Teilnahme, Quelleninterpretation (zwischen 5 und 10 Seiten) einer der von der Lehrperson vorgegebenen römischen Bildquellen.
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