Foto: Matthias Friel
This course ‘Experimental Mineralogy-Petrology’ is part of the module: GEW-MF22 – ‘Physicochemical Mineralogy-Petrology'
learning goals of the module are:
components of the module are:
in this course 'Experimental Mineralogy-Petrology' you will be:
WoMo, 6. 10. 2022, 17:45
Students interested in this course are asked to join our pre-meeting for this course which includes the selection of projects:
Tuesday, 25th October at 14:30 in room 2.07
In case you can not join in person, please contact Melanie Sieber, melanie.sieber@uni-potsdam.de, or Wolfgang Morgenroth, wolfgang.morgenroth@uni-potsdam.de, by email.
WoMo, 7. 10. 2022, 11:15 (update)
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