Foto: Matthias Friel
The writing colloquium will take place on a bi-weekly basis, Mondays, 12.45 to 1.15pm. Due to the expected Covid-restrictions in the Fall, a hybrid format will be offered. Postdocs, doctoral students, and advanced MA students can indicate their preferred presentation times in the enclosed calendar:
Meeting Link:
https://wzb-eu.zoom.us/j/83142537246?pwd=YzlRUktaUzBUbmROUGJlSU1JeW9xUT09 Meeting-ID: 831 4253 7246 Code: 660727
New participants should contact the instructor and subscribe to the mailing list here: https://www.listserv.dfn.de/sympa/info/writing_workshop
The writing workshop format depends on everybody committing to giving feedback. Below, we listed a few reminders of general rules.
Paper authors
- send their papers one week ahead of the meeting
- include page numbers in their papers
- carefully read the paper and be able to comment on all sections of the manuscript
- send comments one day before the workshop or afterwards if they cannot attend the meeting
- encourage junior researchers to speak first, seniors should wait till the end
- are as constructive as possible
- have fun and learn
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