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Foto: Matthias Friel


 1.09 - 1.15 (Seminarraum)  

 Zeit Montag Dienstag Mittwoch Donnerstag Freitag
 vor 8          
Gruppe 1 Academic Papers and Presentations in English Lingui...
Gruppe 1 Inclusive English Language Teaching
Gruppe 1 Supporting learners' potentials and talents: comple...
Gruppe 1 Biblisches Hebräisch 1
Gruppe 1 Literary Texts and Cultural Learning in ELT
Gruppe 1 Funny Concepts: Theories on Humour, Laughter, Comed...
Gruppe 1 Romanticism and Orientalism
Gruppe 1 Begegnungsunterricht in Theory and Practice
Gruppe 1 Meine Straße, mein Block - Urbane Anerkennungskämpf...
Gruppe 1 Films and Cultural Learning in ELT
Gruppe 1 Introduction to Cultural Studies
Gruppe 2 Introduction to Cultural Studies
Gruppe 1 Holocaust kitsch? Uses and misuses of the Holocaust...
Gruppe 1 Weltliche und Religiöse Kosmologien
Gruppe 1 Introduction to Modern Indian Poetry in English
Gruppe 2 Introduction to Cultural Linguistics
Gruppe 2 Materials Development
Gruppe 1 The Figure of the Vampire as Queer Metaphor
Gruppe 1 Ringvorlesung der Orientierungsphase UP°grade
 ab 20