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Foto: Matthias Friel

Politics and Society in Israel: An Urban Perspective - Einzelansicht

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Veranstaltungsart Seminar Veranstaltungsnummer 429911
SWS 2 Semester SoSe 2024
Einrichtung Sozialwissenschaften   Sprache englisch
Belegungsfrist 02.04.2024 - 10.05.2024   
Gruppe 1:
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Seminar Di 12:00 bis 14:00 wöchentlich 09.04.2024 bis 16.07.2024  3.06.S25 Dr. Brenner  

"Politics and Society in Israel: An Urban Perspective" is an interdisciplinary course exploring modern Israel's complexities through urban studies and political science. In its first section, the course will cover topics such as Israel's establishment, political system, social divisions, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and Jewish immigration waves; the course examines how politics and society have shaped and been shaped by the urban landscape in Israel. In its second section, the course will cover urban theories, such as divided, mixed, or start-up cities, alongside examples of Israeli cities like Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, or Acre. Through lectures, discussions, readings, and independent research, students will gain a comprehensive interdisciplinary understanding of Israel's politics, develop critical thinking skills through an independent research project on one of Israel's cities, and foster cross-cultural awareness of Israel's varied communities.

Die Veranstaltung wurde 10 mal im Vorlesungsverzeichnis SoSe 2024 gefunden:
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Master of Arts
National and International Administration and Policy (Prüfungsversion ab SoSe 2016)
A/C - Foundation Modules
NIA-M.1 - National and Comparative Public Administration  - - - 1 offens Buch
NIA-M.3 - Public Policy  - - - 2 offens Buch
NIA-M.2 - Government, Governance and Organization  - - - 3 offens Buch
D - Complementary & Cross Disciplinary Courses / Internship
D-PF - Compulsory Module
NIA-M.8 - Complementary Courses  - - - 4 offens Buch
Verwaltungswissenschaft (Prüfungsversion ab WiSe 2016/17)
MSMPUV300 - Public Administration  - - - 5 offens Buch
MSMPUV200 - Government, Governance, Organisation  - - - 6 offens Buch
Politikwissenschaft (Prüfungsversion ab WiSe 2016/17)
Wahlbereich I
MSMPUV300- Public Administration  - - - 7 offens Buch
MSMPUV200 - Government, Governance, Organisation  - - - 8 offens Buch
Master of Science
Wirtschaftsinformatik und Digitale Transformation (Prüfungsversion ab WiSe 2017/18)
Interdisziplinäre Studien
MSMPUV200 - Government, Governance, Organisation  - - - 9 offens Buch
MSMPUV300 - Public Administration  - - - 10 offens Buch