Foto: Matthias Friel
Multilateral organizations face increasing challenges. Member states leave or threaten to leave international organizations, governments cut funding or block appointments of supranational representatives, and non-state actors organize protests and campaigns. In this seminar, we will deal with recent research on legitimacy and legitimacy crises in international organizations in three blocks. First, we examine the foundations and principles of legitimacy beyond the nation state and get an idea of the empirical state of research on different international organizations. Why do some organizations enjoy greater legitimacy than others? Which factors explain variation in the level of legitimacy? In a second part, we will study the causes of the increasing importance of the question of legitimacy and focus on research on the politicization of regional and global governance structures. In the third part of this seminar we will focus on research on protest, opposition and resistance against international organizations: who are the opponents of these institutions and what are their motives? Since when, why and with what consequences have both states and non-state actors opposed certain forms of cooperation in multilateral institutions?
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